Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Pride & The Trivium

Jack has entered a new level of the school that he attends.  Logic School.  (In classical education there are 3 stages of education: Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric)  Speaking of that, here is an explanation of the 3 stages (called the Trivium meaning "the 3 ways" or "the 3 roads" in Latin):

In the Grammar stage (elementary), students' abounding curiosity equips them to absorb and be able to recall astounding amounts of information. Through chants, songs, stories, recitations, oral presentations, and hands-on inquiry, they discover the truths about the world around them. Grammar students learn the rules of phonics, spelling, English and Latin grammar; how to compose a paragraph; the stories and events of the Bible, history, and classic literature; math facts and reasoning; descriptions of plants, animals, human beings, and the earth.

In the Logic stage (middle school), students' natural inclination to argue is directed toward productive and good ends. Through such things as the Socratic method, debate, and the study of logic, students are taught to discern truth. Logic students continue their study of Latin and begin Greek. They learn how to write essays; construct and evaluate arguments; compare and contrast events in the Bible and history or works of literature; employ mathematical reasoning; recognize the relations of cause and effect; and think scientifically.

Finally, in the Rhetoric stage (high school), students' natural desire for self-expression is directed in an even deeper way toward those things which are noble, right, pure, and lovely. Ample opportunities for essay writing and oratory help students learn not just to express themselves, but to express themselves well. Interaction with the finest and most beautiful of thought leads them not only to discern but also to desire truth. Rhetoric students continue Latin and Greek; read many of the great books often reserved for college-level students; discuss theology, politics, and ethics; write and defend theses; develop higher level mathematical reasoning; and design and report the findings of some of their own scientific experiments.


At his school, Logic School is the equivilant to Middle School or Junior High in some schools.  And with that new level comes a few perks.  One of them is that he could join The Pride - a co-ed spirit team that attends home games and cheers for their team, The Lions.  Friday night was the first home game, and Jack was so excited to go and cheer for his school.  He is such an energetic, happy soul, and this group is a great place for him to spend his eneregy... while hanging out with his buddies and getting to spend time with his super-cool teacher from last year.

And for me, it is great to be under those Friday Night Lights.  Where I grew up on Friday nights.  The only thing that would have made it better is if it had been my dad down on the field coaching.  Fall has come to Texas... at least for now... and at the game on Friday was so great to sit out in that cool weather with excitment and cheers in the air, visititing with friends that have been long-lost for the summer or longer. 

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